Monday, February 6, 2012

Quit now, you'll never make it. If you disregard this advice, you'll be halfway there. -David Zucker

I'm officially past the halfway mark. How strange.

Part of me feels like I've been here forever and another part feels like I just got here. I miss everyone at home like crazy, but I can't bear the thought of leaving and I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. It's all very confusing.

I'd like to write of the amazing thing I did the past week, but life has been boring and uneventful. I managed a 6 on that math exam (woohoo!) and Saturday I had a volleyball game and we won (which we normally do, so that's nothing new..)

However the next couple weeks should be more exciting. :)

This weekend I have an AFS orientation, NOT in Valladolid, like originally planned, but in Toledo. (AFS is splitting the Castilla y Leon and Galicia region, which is super upsetting, but at least I get to go to Toledo and see my friends in the Madrid region.)

Next weekend is Carnival! :)   (click here, for those of you who don't know what Carnival is)

And then the following week, Noelle, whose living in Sevilla, is coming up to visit!!

Finally here are some pictures of a couple weeks ago when I went to see the castle in the town where both my grandparents live:

The Castle, it was small and kinda of falling apart, but a castle none the less:)

The Castle had a catapult :)

I climbed on one of the walls of the castle

1 comment:

  1. Please post pictures from Carnaval , that will make me feel even more sorry for myself, haha
