Monday, August 22, 2011

...And My List Of Things To Gets Smaller And Smaller :)

So what have I been up to since to last time I posted..... quite a lot actually

I took (and passed!!) my road test. Hung out with some of my fabulous friends. Went shopping! <3 haha
Got a suitcase, figured out my carry-on. Got my license in the mail. Got my debt card for Spain in the mail. Finished my english class. Went to school took my finals (I'm now 100% done with English).

Also some of the girls I used to go to camp with met up for the first time in 3ish years... it was crazy fun (ps I love gray :) )

I practiced packing, I got just about every thing in my suitcase... 46ish Pounds.... AFS says you can have 44... the airline says 50... So I'm in the happy middle :)

AND I planning on going to Chicago to visit my sister who goes to school there :) I hoping to leave on Thursday and come back some time late Saturday. Begin packing Monday, finish packing Tuesday, have my good-bye party Tuesday night, and leave Wednesday morning :)

Check List Is As Follows:

Driver's License   

English 11    


New Clothes   

Year Supple of Contacts   

Planned My Going Away Party   

9 days until I leave I have only little things left to do! :) It feels great!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Skyping Birthdays &30 days

Hey everyone!!

So I know I'm blogging a lot now (2 posts in 5 days--WHOA!)... but today is a special day!! :P

----------> MY BIRTHDAY! or to be more specific - my sweet sixteen :D

         In case you're wondering, I didn't take my road test. Thou, I'm planning on getting my license before I leave.... it's just a matter of learning how to parallel park, I've been practicing so I should be fine. Haha

  And because it's my birthday (and also because my family is just that awesome) my family skyped with me. We've skyped before, and they seem suuuuppper nice, especially since my Spanish is pretty horrible. But I can read Spanish a little bit better then speaking/listening, so if I'm clueless to what they are saying (which happens a lot) we use chat and they type what they want to say in Spanish. Sometimes I need google translate... sometimes I don't..... but most time I can respond without google :)

      From the fact they aren't angry, frustrated, or upset in any way with my lack of knowing Spanish; I'm pretty sure I can safely infer they are a super nice, sweet family.

Here's a picture of them:
Don't they just look like an awesome family?

30 days until I leave <3 <3