Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Trimester One Grades

I forgot to post this yesterday....
Final grades for the first trimester:
Philosophy: 1
Physics/Chemistry: 1
Lengua: 2
Math: 5
Biology: 5
P.E.: 6
Science of the Contemporary World (Earth Science): 8
Computers: 8
Religion: 10
English: 10

For those of you who can't count (or don't want to) that's SEVEN classes passed and ONLY three failed.
Now I need to read 175 pages of my book (Fahrenheit 451) for Philosophy... wish me luck! (I have 12 days...)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

¡Feliz Navidad A Todo El Mundo!

Merry Christmas! A couple of days late, but it still counts :)

My family's Christmas Tree with Presents
Break started last Thursday, and as said earlier my friends, Emily, went out with me and my friends and everyone had a fantastic time! For those of you wondering we spoke 95% Spanish (EVEN when talking just amongst ourselves), talk about impressive. :D 

On Christmas Eve we spent the first half of the day cleaning the WHOLE house. Then my Aunt came and we ate a very nice sit down dinner.

This is how Christmas works in Spain... at least for my family:

My family doesn't open presents for Christmas.. normally (but we decided that we were going to open the presents my mom sent, on Christmas instead of Three Kings Day)... however Spain doesn't share the same 'running down the stair on Christmas morning to a tree full of present waiting to be opened' idea as America. Instead they open presents on Christmas Eve. 

My host dad opening his present from my family back in the states.
On Christmas Day, my aunt, uncle, cousins, and another aunt (same one that came for Christmas Eve) came and we ate a HUGE lunch... it was one of those meals that you're full before the meat is even served... After lunch I played Wii with Patricia and my cousins and later played Monopoly. I won :] (REIGNING  CHAMP! I have yet to lose a game) 

But then EVERYONE left before 9:00.... Now in Spain this is strange, my thirteen year old sister's birthday party lasted until 2 a.m. .... 9:00 is early. It wasn't until then that I realized what a little deal Christmas is. And that's when being an exchange student becomes hard, when all the distractions leave and all you can think about is all your family and friends thousands of miles away. 

It's tough, but you get through it.. thinking positive.. eating amazing spanish candies and snacks... and receiving Christmas card or card or any types (that alway brightens my day).

And then you do things that make you feel really awesome, like today I went to the post office to send a birthday card and then to the pharmacy (the pharmacy was the challenge.. I had no idea where it was and the map my sister drew for me made ZERO sense, but thanks to nice people in the street I was able to follow verbal instructions (in Spanish) and found it!) AND I had great conversations with both the lady in the pharmacy and the lady in the post office. 

ONE more thing: I'm totally stealing this from my friend Allyson's blog (check out her blog here), but it's really neat so read it!

It's the exchange student version to 'Twas A Night Before Christmas

'Twas the Night Before Departure
Author: Tanner Orion
Published: January 2nd, 2001

'Twas the night before departure, and all throughout the land
Next years exchange students with plane tickets in hand 
they said their farewells, and hugged everyone goodbye
not knowing of the crazy adventures in front of them that lie...

A room full of memories all packed in a hurry that night,
"Hey Mom, can you sit on this for me while I zip up it tight?"
Visions of faraway places and foreign lands they dream
It's all fiction until tomorrow, when their planes will leave

Half way across the world their new friends awake
they don't know it yet, but he/she will be their best mate
their dreams continue, all exciting and stoked
little do they know, this time next year they'll be broke

The moon gives way, for the bright sun the next day
they wake up to reality, for today is the day
A day of tears, fears,
and many make-up smears
A day of joy, adventure, and a little maturity I might add
I love you so much, I'll miss you Dad.
"Hey Mom, who's gonna do my laundry?"
"Just kidding, I'll miss you real bad."
"Hey Sis, I took your favorite dress (hehe)...
no I didn't, but I wanted to real bad. I guess I never said this,
but I love you like mad

The tears trickled through, but the excitement prevailed
All proud and adventurous, as my moms arms "flailed"
I never thought I'd miss them so much until they weren't by my side
The plane took off, and the flight attendant brought drinks,
A little turbulence got me nervous, but I'm ok, I think...

The flight continued, and in their dictionaries they looked
Actually, this was the first time they had ever opened this book
"How do I say 'Hi'? 'Goodbye'? and I need to go the bathroom?
I don't know!" The fear inside them began to grow.
Another night passed, and thus another day
They are all needles in a hay stack, special in their own way.
The flight attendant woke them all up, "hey lady, I don't want any orange juice,
why did you have to wake me up?" They say...
A great way to start off such an important day

A smooth landing and they were there at last
about to meet their new host families, not knowing
their year would go by too fast
A big smile, and some good-old morning breath
"I can't wait to take a shower, I hope they have one, I wept"

A new culture, a new family, a new language and land
"Anything else? ... I don't even recognize the sand"
"Where am I, who are you, how do I say... and what's this?
I feel really lonely, I can't stop thinking about everybody I miss."
"I wonder what my friends are doing right now, what happened
at that party, and who kissed."

The story continues on, for about nine months to a year
The adventure has just started, and the end doesn't seem near.
Their days pass, and their friendships grow,
"leaving my new home
was the toughest part... I wish I had known."
Their eyes are wide, they're flaunting overwhelming smiles alike
I hope mom and dad don't mind my new tattoo, curfew, study habits, and insight
I've changed a little bit, gotten out on my own, you know
I've lived by my own rules for a year, I thought you should know
It just won't be like it was before my friends
I'm lost in my own paradise, I no longer need your advice.
Hey, what's up? Not much I say.
If I told you, you wouldn't understand, anyway

The sun sets, and back in their own beds they lay
A year of their life, well worth the extended stay
So many stories, and so much to tell
The experience of a lifetime, "I went through heaven and hell
I can't say it was easy, and I can't say I loved every minute
But I grew a lot, I learned a new language, and no that's not it
sometimes I like to keep it to myself, that way I don't ruin it."

Hoping everyone is having a great Christmas 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. -Helen Keller

short blog post (so people don't think I forgot again...):

ONE MORE DAY OF SCHOOL!! woot! woot! (not a moment too soon, my brain is fried... literally)

Thanks to my lovely philosophy teacher I have to read Fahrenheit 451 by  Ray Bradbury, in Spanish (even though I have the option to read it in English... anyone know where I can find a copy of the book in English? .. Yeah me neither and the internet wasn't helpful either), and then write a biography of the author, a summary of the book, analyze the characters, and then write (and explain) my opinion of the book.  (<--- not fun.)

But I am SO looking forward to tomorrow!!

1) as said above; it's the last day of school.

2) I'm going out with my friends to celebrate the start of Christmas break.


3) My fellow AFSer, Emily, is coming up to Valladolid and guess who's going to go out with my and friends??


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Al final, lo que importa no son los años de vida, sino la vida de los años. -Abraham Lincoln

In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln
Once again it's been two weeks since I've posted... sorry!! But this time is was an accident, I forgot I wouldn't have internet access after Tuesday...

Last week was interesting... if that's the word you want to use.....

I only had two days of school, Monday and Wednesday (everyone else had school Friday too, but I skipped:) ), and tuesday I went with my friends to see Breaking Dawn, or Amanecer as it's called in Spanish.

My first time in a Spanish movie theater ;)

After the movie we went to a friends house and took pictures 

[Tuesday we had no school for Constitution Day and Thursday.. I have no idea, we I asked someone in my class.. they just shrugged and say it wasn't important and too difficult to explain] 

Then Wednesday right after school my and my family left for Santander. Then came Friday , which probably ended up being the scariest day of my life. no joke.

We cleaning the house, because a) no one has been in there for a couple of weeks and b) because my host dad's cousin and her family (the same ones that we visited in Madrid earlier this year) were coming to stay with us for the weekend too. Silvia, my host mom, was in the attic mopping to floor (this attic has the pull down stairs so when the stairs are pulled down there's just a hole in the middle of the floor).... Patricia, my host dad, and I were standing at the  bottom of the stair discussing the sleeping arrangement with her.... she took one step too far backwards and fell.

She managed to catch herself with her elbows in a corner of the hole and we helped her down the rest of the stairs and sat her on the couch, where she passed out (and this my friend is when Lotte realized that she was 100% not cut out of anything in medical field considering it almost caused her to pass out as well). We called ambulance, it took forever to arrive, when it finally did Silvia and Javi left for the hospital and me and Patricia stayed at home, and waited for our cousins to show up.

Silvia ended up with 2 broken(fractured??) ribs and a pulled muscle in her neck... she's not allowed to anything for a month and she's hurting :/ (if anyone wants, I sure she'd love a 'Get Well' card... e-mail or facebook for the address :) )

Once Silvia came back from the hospital, it was obvious that we weren't got to be able to go into the city Santander (the house is in a small town outside of Santander) and so we spent to weekend do nothing, playing games, watching TV, and reading. I'm going to lie.. I love doing nothing :P

This was on Wednesday BEFORE Silvia fell, we went for a walk around the town...
besides the gorgeous waterfall and river, the town also has horses, cows, sheep... etc.  

And because my host mom can't do anything, my grandma is living with us to a) make sure Silvia is alright and b) to help out around the house while me and Patricia are at school and Javi is at work.

This week has uneventful compared to last week, I found out I got a 8.7 in my Sciences of the Contemporary World final and a TENN on my Religion exam :) (my teacher wrote at the bottom of the exam 'Good job, you understood what we discuss in this class perfectly' .... guess who made up all the answers? :D)

And finally today was picture day for my grade, in involved missing a hour for everyone running around frantically fixing each other's hair and putting on even more make-up. The grade above mine, (the 'seniors') were all dressed up SUPER formal, girls nice dresses and heels, guys suite and tie... it was a fun day :).

12 days until Christmas!!

24 days until los Tres Reyes Magos :)

From a Saturday before we went out :)

Choa - Lotte

(ps. december 3rd (4th?) was the THREE MONTH point. A third of my year is already gone... I can't believe it's been 3 months already, where has the time gone?!?!?!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill

I realize I didn't post at all last week, sorry. But in all honestly there was nothing to post about.



I'm out of things to list so I'm just going to summarize the past couple weeks.

Last week was the beginning of my school finals (my school has it's finals a month before the trimester actually ends. Why? So that people have time to retake any finals they failed... yeah.. I don't really get it either.) Oh course, Thanksgiving was the first day (just my luck isn't it? :)).
Also finals are run differently in at my school, then at Marlette High. In Marlette, two days of exams, one hour you have exams then the next you don't... ect. In my school here, FOUR days of finals, but you only take 2 exams a day. One in your 1st hour and then one in your second to last hour (2 hours to take the exam), the WHOLE time in-between, you study. Then when you finish your 2nd exam your done with school and you can leave. (Oh course the majority of us end up waiting for school to end anyways, but still you get to wander around school for however much time is left.)

Now how did MY finals go.... welll, I don't know all of my scores yet, but I have a general idea how I did overall.

English: Super easy. Passed with a very high grade (Everything I wrote was grammatically correct.. any thing the teacher marks wrong is because I didn't put a verb in the Simple Imperfect and just wrote it in a tense that made sense)
Chemistry: very,very,very,very bad
Biology: not as bad, I think I just passed :)
Sciences of the Contemporary World: I don't know, but I think I did really well
Math: another very,very,very bad exam BUT my super nice teacher gave me a 5 (PASSING!!) because that's a class I need to pass :D (THANK YOU!)
Computers: ...iffy... I think/hope that I passed... we'll see... hahah
Lengua (aka: my spanish class that very similar to our english class): hmm... that's how that went... BUT I was able to answer 3 parts of it.. oh course they were worth the least amounts of points.. but still :) 
Philosophy: I made up very philosophical answers for just about every question, including definition (I should get points for effort or at least creativeness)

Moving on... Thanksgiving (Día de Acción de Gracias)... I might of posted it wrong on facebook, not my fault. I was misinformed.

I didn't celebrate Thanksgiving on Thanksgiving, but we were planning on celebrating on Saturday with taco (mmmm, this was not my idea (though I was it was) my family knows me too well :) ) But on Saturday we ended up eating at my grandparents house, so it was post-poned to Sunday.

The tacos turned out fanastic, as long as you ignored the fact no bean...
apparently chile beans don't exist in Spain..?


Then this tuesday, to celebrate the fact finals were done, me and some of my friends walked to Burger King and ate a ton of deliciousness after school (ps. first time eating fast food in Spain)

My good friend Angela eating a Whopper

And yesterday, we decorated the Christmas tree. (Which reminds of the christmas tree in 'A Christmas Story' because when the lights are on it's a ton of ever changing colors. :D )

me and my host mom decorating the tree

more or less the finished product of the tree

My camera doesn't do the tree nearly any justice....  

And up-coming plans:

Saturday is boooooooooooooked, first I have my weekly volleyball game (these volleyball games in all honesty are really sad. The last team we played only had two people that could overhand serve. But the practices are a blast, everyone plays intense and the practices are a lot like varsity practices even if the games aren't). After that, I'm going to this thing called Scouts with my sister. Apparently it's like Girl Scouts in the US, expect boys and girls are together. But a couple of my friends are in it too, so it should be fun, and after Scouts I'm going to out with my friendssss.

And finally, my adorable host sister!
(Just look at that face! How could you not love it?)